Friday, May 20, 2016

Product Reviews

Looking through my product reviews it seems I could use a few more ;-)

Consequently I am offering a 'reward' of sorts: Write and post 3 reviews and I will send you a discount code worth 25% off your next order.  To claim the 'reward' simply write and post reviews on 3 of my products and send me an email telling me which products you reviewed.  I will then send you the discount code.

Such a Deal   :-)


Sunday, May 15, 2016

Facts Stranger than Fiction

Politicians are liars. We all know that first hand. From 'Read my lips - no new taxes' to 'I did not have sexual relations with that woman' from 'Mission Accomplished' to 'If we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do.  I will get our troops home, we will end this war.  You can take that to the bank.'

Now there is more and more evidence that not only are our leaders liars, they are far worse -

The next time something is classified TOP SECRET for  'National Security' think about what they are really protecting.

What would happen if everyone stopped watching television for a month and let the brainwashing wear off?

Friday, May 13, 2016


Hello again.

Have you ever wanted to be famous? Here is your chance :-)

Dress up in your best/favorite outfit and take a photo of yourself (against a plain background) and email it to Samantha(at) and look for yourself to appear in my next video!

This is an example of a 'good' photo. Notice how the background is plain.

This is an example of a 'bad' photo. Notice how the background distracts your eye. Also notice how the shot cut off the legs of the model.

Higher resolution is better :-)


Sunday, May 8, 2016

Fantasy or Reality

People aged 18 - 34 watch an average of just over 4 hours of TV every day. People aged 35 - 49 watch an average of almost 4 and a half hours. People aged 50 - 64 watch an average of 6 hours per day.

If we assume the average person is sleeping 8 hours each day then
25% to 37% of waking hours are spent watching Television Programming.

They don't call it Programming for nothing.

Can you imagine what I could do to you if you listened/watched my products for 1/4 to 1/3 of your waking hours every day? :D

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Mind Control 101

Back in college my best friend introduced me to Wilson Bryan Key's book 'Subliminal Seduction'. I was able to see a lot of what was hidden in the photos, and while my friend simply thought it was funny, I wanted to understand WHY sexual images were hidden in ads. Thus began a decades long quest.
At first I was surprised by how many facts people choose not to believe. There are dozens of examples but an excellent example is Subliminal Advertising. Obviously, it exists. Books have been written (pro and con) on it and studies have been conducted (pro and con) and published. Research proves that subliminal ads WORK, yet the vast majority of people believe they do not.
Why is that?
People like to think they are in control. Subliminal ads challenge that belief.
Like so many facts that are too uncomfortable to accept, denial is the path of least resistance. Denying the existence or effectiveness of subliminal ads requires no action and no effort. Problem Solved!
If people were forced to admit the fact, they would feel the weight of responsibility to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Our Malignant Overlords (OMO) know this and they exploit our weakness.
Some people might complain that serious threats such as this would be discussed in the Main Stream Media (MSM) if they were real. But another inconvenient fact is that OMO bought up the top 25 newspapers almost 100 years ago and have controlled Radio and TV since their commercial beginnings. You don't expect OMO to discuss their expanding control on TV, do you?
What you should expect is a torrent of celebrity gossip and frightening violence to fill the airwaves in order to prevent serious discussion of issues and to distract people from the system that is exploiting them.
How do you form your opinions about important issues? What do you really know about Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton or Vladimir Putin? and how do you know it? Could it be you know only what OMO want you to know?
Isn't that Mind Control?

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The Future Ain't what it used to be.

I just read the introduction to a book on psychological manipulation published in 1960. The writer was all excited about the likelihood that a man might walk on the moon. It brought back a flood of memories from my childhood - space travel, moon colonies, flying cars and jet packs... Back in the 1960s The Future was a Great Place!
What happened?
Admittedly I don't watch TV, so I don't know what the current propaganda is. But I don't read about any 'leaders' talking up the bright future ahead. Only Donald Trump talks about Making America Great Again, which presupposes America is not great at the moment. That kind of honesty can cause problems.
Since I got laid off from my High Tech Executive job in the dot com bust of 2001 I have been doing a lot of research. As it turns out, there is quite a bit of good information out there if you know where to look. The reasons why America is not Great at the moment are complicated, but easy to understand if you have an open mind.
There are several excellent resources that amount to an awesome short cut to the path I took. Mostly because many others have been asking the same questions and reaching the same answers.

The Future can be bright again if we all take the steps necessary.