My marketing consultant keeps telling me not to talk about anything but my product line... but I can't do that.
Today I read an article about BDS. The first I have ever heard of it. Apparently there are some people who organized a boycott of Israel. BDS stands for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions. If you have been paying any attention at all and are not brainwashed by the MSM (MainStreamMedia) then you might want to look into this.
"The BDS movement has cost Israel’s economy an estimated $1.4 billion a year, according to
the Financial Times.
A study by US think-tank, the
Rand Corporation, however, says the number could be more than three times higher at $47 billion over 10 years."
Judging from the attempts by .gov to make boycotting illegal the BDS folks are doing a great job!
Imagine that... the .gov passing laws to make it a crime to NOT purchase stuff. Does that mean they will be forcing money onto us so that we can make those purchases? LOL.
Why do that when .gov already takes our money at gun-point (taxes) and GIVES it to Israel by the billions each year.
Which reminds me. There ought to be a "Boycott Coke Movement". World Wide. Before they make it illegal we should all boycott Coca-Cola. Samantha Sez Don't buy any more colored sugar water from the Coca-Cola Company.
Why? Lots of reasons.
The Coca-Cola Company is a giant transnational corporation that sells unhealthy products at an exorbitant mark up. They pollute the world with plastic bottles and then pay for an advertising campaign to make people believe they are environmentally conscious because it is cheaper to fool people with PR than to behave responsibly. Really. Who needs to pay $1 for 12 ounces of sugar water in a plastic bottle?
And think of the message it would send!
'We The People' can crush a corporate titan by not lifting a finger!
After a successful Crush Coke campaign there is nothing we could not do :-)
- after a quick Startpage search - Guess What!
There are actually several of them :-)
"Soft drinks are far from healthy, but the real reason to boycott
Coca-Cola has to do with their crimes against humanity. Evidence
uncovered by investigative journalist and author Michael Blanding has
shown Coca-Cola may have been complicit with paramilitary murders of
union members in South America, while draining and polluting local water
sources in India and Mexico.
[iv]Why haven’t you heard about this before? Coca-Cola spends nearly $3 billion a year on advertising to keep its iconic image[v] … ‘nuff said."
Lets Do This.