I find myself imagining getting together with Sissy Megan to enact the cock fascination fantasies Samantha has taught me to love. Megan's certainly a kindred spirit. Though I never experienced the fear phase, I admit I had no idea how effective your sessions would be until after they had their effects. Now my admiration for your skill is exceeded only by my gratitude for the doors you've opened for me.
There may be no practical way to form a Samantha fan club, but who better than a fellow sub-ject for exploration? It's a pleasant fantasy...
Dear Dreamer,
That is an interesting concept. I have heard from a few other fans who expressed interest in arranging a 'play date' with another Samantha fan. I wonder if it would be legal to do such a thing? Now that craigslist has abandoned their personals for fear of prosecution, how do sissies find each other?
I know there is one in Denver Colorado who is open for a play date, but where are the others?