Saturday, July 9, 2016

Dead Men Tell No Tales

It is a terrible thing to murder a person. The loss of life from the Dallas attack on 7/7/2016 was terrible. In the interest of understanding the 'problem' and resolving that problem, lets look at the situation rationally and logically.

One of the best questions to ask and answer is 'Who Benefits?'

Did Black Lives Matter benefit from these attacks?

Did black army veterans benefit from these attacks?

There are a lot of False Flag attacks these days. They follow a similar script which has several key points that give the game away:

1) The perpetrator is a 'lone nut'.

2) The perpetrator is silenced. (Dead men tell no tales)

3) The MainStreamMedia (MSM) instantly put forth a 'narrative' that fits an agenda - e.g. more gun control, increased anti-terrorism funding, always resulting in less civil liberty for you and me.

4) Normal procedures are NOT followed.

5) the 'Narrative' is broadcast wall to wall 24x7.

6) Emotional reactions to the attack are exploited by those in power.

The Dallas shooting of 7/7/2016 seems to follow that script.

Probably the most important fact is that the 'suspect' was murdered by the Dallas Police. While suspects being murdered by police is an ever more common occurrence, it is not standard operating procedure. Suspects are supposed to be taken into custody and charged with whatever crimes they are suspected of committing. Then EVIDENCE is used to determine guilt or innocence. The suspect also has a chance to state his/her case.

In Dallas the suspect was hiding in a parking garage when he was murdered. It is not impossible that the real perpetrator got away and some unfortunate patsy got whacked to stop anyone looking for the real perpetrator.

When the suspect is dead, there is no chance he will contradict the narrative.

The narrative that I am hearing is that the suspect declared he supported Black Lives Matter, and that he was 'upset about recent police shootings and wanted to kill white people, especially white officers,' according to the Dallas police chief.

So that puts a dent in the Black Lives Matter organization. But if he really supported the BLM organization then he did them a great disservice.

Also, if he really 'wanted to kill white people, especially white officers' and he was an army veteran, it seems to me he could find a way to do it without getting himself killed so quickly in such a high profile attack.  Why not sneak up on a white officer at a donut shop and then run away? With the training in tactics he demonstrated, it seems he would be able to pull off several hit and run attacks in the middle of the night and cause a lot more damage and get a lot more publicity as the days of manhunt turned into weeks.

BUT, if the real objective was to crank up fear and racial tensions and put the cops on hair-trigger defensive status and further divide whites, blacks and police then Mission Accomplished.

Attacking police at a BLM protest is an odd way to achieve the stated goals of the suspect.  Too bad he can not answer a few questions and clear up some of the confusion.

990 people were killed by police last year, and over 500 so far this year. We do have an epidemic of police violence on our hands.  A rational response to the epidemic of police violence would have prevented this type of escalation. However, we did not get a rational response. We got a propaganda campaign called 'The War on Cops' instead.

The tactic is called 'divide and conquer'. Pitting groups of people against each other so they don't cooperate in fighting their true enemy. Any division is useful to the 1% because they know they are no match for a united 99%.

It seems the Powers that Shouldn't be have decided this is the summer to crank up the chaos... so they can come to the rescue with their New World Order.

Think about it.

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