Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Devotion to Mistress

Hello Samantha,

This is SubSlave.  You made two Custom Sessions for me, one for me and one for my Mistress. It's been a while since I've written and I wanted to thank you again for making those sessions. In the year and a half that I've had mine, I've never stopped listening. In fact, it's been the only session I listen to for more than a year. I sleep with it when I can, which is often, and listen too during the day very often. Counting sleeping with it, I wouldn't be surprised if I've heard it five thousand times.
In all my years of listening to sessions, it had always been a few times for most sessions, and occasionally I'd find one I'd listen to a lot. Many of those were yours, but I'd always move on to others. Not 'Devotion to Mistress' though. It's all about Mistress, and since I only have the one, there is no reason to listen to anything else.
Recently, I'd say the past three months, I really started to listen to it a lot. Every chance I get, and I'm dumbfounded at what has happened. Every single suggestion that you say in it has become my reality. That's the ones I can pick out. I'm sure there are many that I can't hear or don't remember, but the ones I know about, it's now a part of me. For most of the time I've had it, I've felt that mentally all of your suggestions took complete effect, but I know me, and thought that some of that could be my wanting it to be true. Recently though, it's taken a new step, one that has shown me that your suggestions are a part of me now.
I now physically react the way you say to. When something happens, I'm not thinking about it, I'm not wishing it, it just happens. Your trigger, Mistress Commands has rarely been used, but when it has, I react. It's automatic. Also, any time I do anything that even hints at making Mistress happy, the pleasure you say to feel takes over, and sometimes I can't stop it. It also physically effects me almost instantly in a way I won't say more about.
These things are never expected, they come out of nowhere. I also can not tell her no. I'll kid around and say no, but even as the words are coming out, I'm either doing what was asked, or figuring out how to get it done. She knows all this, and I'd be lying if I said she didn't love that effect on me.
Mistress's journey with her session is a little different. As you may remember, she was new to hypnosis, and to this day isn't sure that she's in trance. She is, she just doesn't realize it. I've explained to her that she is, and I think she's starting to realize it more now. Anyway, when she first got it, she listened a bit. Never what I would consider a lot, but enough that it had a profound effect on her. Not towards me, but in her self esteem. When I asked you to make it, I asked that the main focus be on her, and how she felt about herself. She needed to know the Mistress that I know. The strong, dominant person that because of her insecurities, she couldn't show anybody else. She doubted herself greatly, and it effected her. Most of that doubt went away quickly when she listened. She knew it, and those around her knew it, but, she stopped listening.
Listening to hypnosis wasn't as ingrained in her as it is with me, so she went through what I did early on. Listen for a while, then don't, then listen some more, etc. About a month, month and a half ago, she mentioned she wanted to start listening again, but it gave her headaches. I didn't know that. She used ear buds, and I thought that that could be the problem so I got her a nice set of outside headphones hoping it would solve the problem, it did. Instantly.
She has listened intently ever since. The strong "I can do anything" Mistress is back. Not only that, your suggestions are starting to take root in her too. One in particular, that listening makes her want to listen even more, is in full effect. She mentions it often, she can't get enough of listening now, and she'll go to bed listening for hours most nights. She loves how it's making her feel, and I often get a message from her that simply says THANKS SAMANTHA that tells me something in her life went well because of you, and what you did for her when you made that session.
So, once again, I have to thank you, Samantha. I can never thank you enough for what you did. While Mistress's session has yet to have outwardly noticeable effects on her regarding me, but the main goal of making her strong in her daily life has taken full effect, and it's because of you.
She's listening so much I'd be shocked if she didn't start to show effects towards me eventually, but even if she doesn't, it doesn't matter. My goal was to make her realize how strong she is, and it's working. In the process I've become her enslaved, non slave. She loves how devoted to her I am, and while we don't act like Domme/sub usually, she knows that with one word I'd be on my knees in worship to her. She likes that quite a lot.
It makes her happy to know that I can not say no to her, and that what she says goes, no questions asked. Personally, I believe your session's effects on her towards me are pretty strong, and growing stronger all the time. She just doesn't realize it yet. I see it though, in little things that are happening more often. It won't be long until one day I do something that she told me to, and it hits her how much she loves it, and wants more of it. Until then, I'm happy with us having what we do. She is an amazing woman, and I'm lucky that she allows me to be her friend. Did I mention how much your session effects me? I love it.
Thank you so much, Samantha. Take care.
Hello again SubSlave,

I remember those sessions. The suggestions in your Mistress's session were rather subtle - nothing bold or dramatic. I think it was because you said she was new to hypnosis... I didn't want to frighten her with stark behavior changes. It seems to be working out just as we planned. She will be using the trigger phrase more often when she feels the power. Imagine how much fun you will have when she starts commanding you sexually ;-)
Do you remember me suggesting you report back in from time to time? Probably not, but thats okay. I get a certain satisfaction from my work. And you love it.


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